Thickening System for Oil Systems
MX-510 can be used to thicken and/or gel inert oils and solvents. The degree of thickening is controlled by the amount of MX-510 added. The rate at which the oil thickens is temperature dependent. The level of MX-510 required varies depending on the type of oil used and the gel structure desired, but generally falls between 4.0% and 8.0% by volume relative to oil. Thickening is accomplished by reacting MX-510 with suitable fatty acids and a small amount of moisture, forming aluminum soaps in-situ in the solvent. The type of gel structure obtained can range from stringy to buttery depending on the choice of fatty acid used.
MX-510 will react rapidly and irreversibly with atmospheric moisture to form partial hydrolysis products with consequent loss in expected chemical reactivity. Drum quantities should be stored in dry surroundings, away from the possibility of water collecting on the lids. Laboratory quantities should be kept tightly sealed to maintain reactivity. Partial hydrolysis is evidenced by a skin quickly forming on exposure to moisture in the air. This further develops into a dry crust which may sink to the bottom of the container. If possible, this material should be separated and not used. Only the clear material can be relied upon to provide all the expected reactivity. Personnel should use gloves and eye protection and be provided with adequately ventilated surrounding.